by Leeko
I was thinking of getting the dice from Imperial Assault to use instead of the Descent dice because a common complaint I hear about is having the miss on the attack dice is much worse than having the miss on the defense dice. Only issue would be converting the icons to represent Descent terms. From what I see they are pretty similar, so I don't think it would break the game in anyway. But if someone has Imperial Assault, can you explain the differences in the color dice. Are they the same? Like blue is regular attack, red is the power die,yellow is more for surges, green is the weakest die.Another thing I was thinking I can do is with heroes when knocked out, if they didn't use their ability. They lose it, when knocked out for that encounter. And if I am not mistaken in Imperial Assault if knocked out twice they are removed from the encounter? That could add more pressure on the heroes to play smarter from my experience. Because my group typically just goes charging in because being knocked out doesn't have a big enough consequence in Descent; beside the Overlord getting an extra card.
Those are the only 2 I can think of that I can use from Imperial Assault. Are there any other things I can use? Maybe something to do with reinforcements or turn order.