by Voske4000
FYI: I play with the app, some questions are not related however.1) On the monster turn, if the app instructs you to do something "after activation" (the spiders from coregame have this) I take it this means after the full activation, so after both minions and master went? Or does it happen twice, once after minions and followed by master?
2) what to do with skills that target the overlord cards (like Danger Sense)?
3) dual wielding does nothing? When you attack you just pick a weapon equiped and attack only with 1, including only skills on the selected weapon are allowed to be used? So basically this is useless since you can swap gear right before starting your turn to optimize your attack?
4) Large figures essentially gain some free movement? You select a tile at front of the base, count your steps and 're-enlarge' it with the target space on the back of the base. So if say an Ettin has 3 move points it basically can have a 4 space difference instead between its front spaces?
5) does the Spot command retreat monsters from melee range? I guess nog but it might impact alot of followup actions.
7) lastly i ask more of a tip/trick: how do you track monster health? Do you use the heart tokens from the game and place it by the mini? Single monsters we just track on the ref card but we find the tokens a bit annyoing with large 'squads'