by Kaizerhelm
Hi allI have a question about Elder Moks heroic feat:
Use at the start of your turn to look at the overlord's hand of Overlord cards. The overlord discards 1 card of your choice
My question is if it can be used to discard an Overlord card that is usually not discarded - Airborne being an example:
Airborne: Play this card during your turn and keep it in your play area. During this quest, each time a monster misses or deals no Heart on an attack, the targeted hero gains 1 infection token.
Additionally, when an infected hero performs an attack, you may discard 1 infection token from that hero after rolling dice to add 1 Shield to the defense results.
I am thinking that it is never possible to discard Airborne if it is already in play, since the feat says "the overlord's hand". But can I discard it if it is in the overlord's hand?
Thanks in advance