by gelaar
I'm new to Descent 2.0, played my first game last night as Bard. I saw a listing of someone's ranking and had the Bard as 5th best with the following comment about it. Not sure I'm following how to use Song of Mending - how does that work? I add a music note counter thing and it stays there and I can spam it and revive everyone at once? And not sure what Burst Healing is. Anyways, anyone who is interested, can you explain the below better for a newbie like me?5. Bard
Most of the healers are good, but my favorite is the Bard. Stamina regeneration is critical in a good healer, and the Bard does this the best. They can revive the entire party through Song of Mending without spending a single action, making it almost impossible to perform a TPK as the Overlord. They also boast an excellent crowd control skill (Dissonance), condition removal (Rehearsal) and burst healing (Concentration). Everything you want in a healer so long as you stick together, which you generally want to do.