by Zanzara
First things: i got this game and all big and small expansions for solo app play only.I really try to like this game and well i like it. but the flow of the game is frustrating and the outcome is always the same.
I played the app tutorial several times solo (base game only) with 2 heroes and once with 3 heroes. for me 2 heroes is the only way to go. playing with 3 heroes (and i guess same goes for 4 heroes) showed me that there are way too much disadvantages.
first you dont get a free attack that you get for playing with 2 heroes. also the turn order is completely random and unpretictable so playing with more than 2 heroes doesnt really help. and of course you have to spawn more enemies with 3 or 4 heroes.
But one thing is always the same, no matter if playing with 2 or 3 heroes: one heroes is always dead. the one thats the closest to the enemy spawn point.
normally you spawn at least 3 enemies. 2 normal, 1 elite. at least 3 attacks. and if you dont have the dwarf with 14 hit points, 3 attacks can easily kill your heroes with 8 or 10 hit points.
What you do then? You cannot waste the turn of your second hero for reviving because every turn is so important. if its not for move, the only action is attack. you cant even waste one action for search markers because attacking is the only way to go to even have a small change to get ride of the overwhelming amout of enemies you have to face.
So you try to attack with the hero that is alive and you revive the dead hero with its own turn. of course the hit points you get with 2 red rolls is a joke. even if you get 6 hit points, you are still dead again at the next enemy turn because your alive hero was only able to kill one enemy with a lot luck. with no luck still 3 enemies are waiting for you.
lets not count the free hp and stamina potion items that you get in the tutorial for free. they might help you in the tutorial once but this is not the case for a game outside of the tutorial.
i dunno, maybe the problem is just the app tutorial. i think its crap for a tutorial. sometimes it forces you to do actions that wont happen in a normal game like forcing you to attack specific enemies or end your turn after one action.
also the lack of skills seem to make the tutorial much harder than it should be. after the tutorial you get 3 skill points per hero which seem to make things easier because there are really some skills that can help a lot.
but i was not able to play a normal scenario yet because frustration after the tutorial was to much so i stopped playing every time after the tutorial.