by DaedalDurst
Hi all, new to the site here and new to this game.I haven't played a board game similar to this since my family and I played dungeon when I was a child; even then, this seems more epic than anything I've ever played.
I actually picked this up being under the impression that this was a little easier to grasp for people that would like this sort of game, but don't have the time or energy to memorise 500 pages of rules like some of my old friends did with WH40K.
I was just wondering if two other people were to play this with no prior experience of this sort of board game, is Descent 2E a good place to start? Or have I thrown them into the deep end.
I actually bought the base game, the first 6 lieutenants related to the game as well as bonds of the wild and treaty of champions. I feel like adding the plot decks would be too heavy for the first few playthroughs.
Getting to the point, my questions are as follows:
1: After a campaign is finished with 2 people new to the game, should I add the lieutenant plot decks to the next game, or redo/try another campaign without adding it straight away? (I imagine this is related to how well they take the game on board, but if you have personal experience here, it would be appreciated).
2: Is what I purchased a good way to start the game? I'd like to get a good balance for everyone playing without tipping the scales too far in one direction. I was actually thinking of disallowing the monster pack heroes from being used the first few playthroughs as the standard 8 seem fairly balanced, is that fair for an introductory measure? Or am I overthinking it?
3: In your personal opinion (so I can avoid this sort of thing) what are your bug bears with regards to overlords, anything they do which is annoying like using the same monsters each map? I want to make the game fun and tense, not stressful and I worry about the game not being fun.
4: How easy was descent for you to pick up, or if you usually pick these games up fast, how well did the least experienced person that you played with pick this game up? Any tips for teaching?
Any help would be massively appreciated as I'm terrified of getting our first gaming session wrong!