by Sadgit

I am happy to announce Sands of the Past - an expansion for Descent: Journeys in the Dark 2nd edition. A couple of months ago, myself and several members of the community set out to develop a community expansion with roughly the content and (most importantly) the quality of a small official expansion. Although some components of SotP are still at a play-testing stage, the new coop mode that will be included in SotP expansion has already sparked a thread on BGG. I therefore decided to share some details on SotP in a series of previews. This is the first one.
Devastating Power

SotP will include two new heroes, a mage and a healer archetype.
Runemaker Tara's abilities focus on what mages are best at: vanquishing the minions of the overlord wherever they appear. Her Hero ability provides the option to interconvert range and damage done. This allows an amazing flexibility when attacking with Ranged weapons and a high burst damage potential with Melee weapons. On top of that her Heroic feat allows her to attack multiple targets in a straight path. This is expecially helpful when monsters block narrow corridors to prevent heroes to reach their objectives. Note, that the Heroic feat can be combo'ed with Tara's Hero ability to increase the damage done even more.
This hero was originally designed by user rdh174 at the FFG board.
Tricks of the Mind

SotP will include two new classes, a mage class and a healer class.
The Psychic is a fatigue heavy class, but it includes a few methods of fatigue recovery as well. The psychic is an area effect mage which can damage monsters without attacking, assist other heroes and even bend the mind of his enemies to do the work for the heroes. With the help of an additional Skill card, the psychic may increase his aura of influence even more. At later stages, the psychic's unsurpassed mental control allows him or her to dominate attribute tests, discard conditions and outright ignore terrain.
This class was originally designed by Zaltyre.
Stay tuned!