Hello everyone, first of all sorry if this kind of thread has been already opened hundreds of times, it's hard to look up all of the forum...
Anyway, I started to play Descent for the first time only three days ago, alone, with the Road to Legend app, I just finished the tutorial campaign and... Is it normal for it to be so hard and punishing??
Before buying the game, I watched many videos on YouTube, but they had the OverLord player... And it seemed balanced, really.
But then, during my plays, I had to ignore some prompts from the app because they were simply evil...
For example (spoilers for the tutorial campaign)
[o]During the last quest of the campaign, the barghests kept spawning over and over again! At first I killed them all with great effort only to see them appearing again in full force... In the end, since I was using Ashrian, I kept her next to them to perma-stun the two minions and tried to kill only the master... Due to this, I lost some time, and really it didn't seem much time, but as soon as I reached Splig a Major Peril happened and I had to spawn an Elemental! I ignored it because I was already suffering a lot and, even though I helped myself, I lost to Splig and his neverending goblins... [/o]
Now, granted, I'm not that good at the game yet, I made some mistakes along the way and I don't expect to win easily, but it was a tutorial campaign, and the very first quest nearly had me lose the game...
So, should I just "git gud"?
Would you advise for some homerules that could help set an easier game?
What experiences did you have?
Let me know, I'm really curious!
P.S. : I've seen how some abilities the heroes can buy through exp. are useless in the Road to Legend app, like Danger Sense for the Ranger. I've also found a post that gave some "substitutes" to these abilities so that they are not useless, but Danger Sense in particular seemed "crafty", do you have any other solution/advice?
P.P.S.: even though I find the app really punishing, I think it's a wonderful experience, actually this could be my favourite board game of all times since it's really giving me the time of my life, or so to speak!
Anyway, I started to play Descent for the first time only three days ago, alone, with the Road to Legend app, I just finished the tutorial campaign and... Is it normal for it to be so hard and punishing??
Before buying the game, I watched many videos on YouTube, but they had the OverLord player... And it seemed balanced, really.
But then, during my plays, I had to ignore some prompts from the app because they were simply evil...
For example (spoilers for the tutorial campaign)
[o]During the last quest of the campaign, the barghests kept spawning over and over again! At first I killed them all with great effort only to see them appearing again in full force... In the end, since I was using Ashrian, I kept her next to them to perma-stun the two minions and tried to kill only the master... Due to this, I lost some time, and really it didn't seem much time, but as soon as I reached Splig a Major Peril happened and I had to spawn an Elemental! I ignored it because I was already suffering a lot and, even though I helped myself, I lost to Splig and his neverending goblins... [/o]
Now, granted, I'm not that good at the game yet, I made some mistakes along the way and I don't expect to win easily, but it was a tutorial campaign, and the very first quest nearly had me lose the game...
So, should I just "git gud"?
Would you advise for some homerules that could help set an easier game?
What experiences did you have?
Let me know, I'm really curious!
P.S. : I've seen how some abilities the heroes can buy through exp. are useless in the Road to Legend app, like Danger Sense for the Ranger. I've also found a post that gave some "substitutes" to these abilities so that they are not useless, but Danger Sense in particular seemed "crafty", do you have any other solution/advice?
P.P.S.: even though I find the app really punishing, I think it's a wonderful experience, actually this could be my favourite board game of all times since it's really giving me the time of my life, or so to speak!