by crimsonsun
Let me start by saying a disclaimer, I like 2nd edition its a great game and is hands down the best game I've found thats in print that offers a competitive dungeon crawl experience. By which I mean a real role for the Overlord (I love playing the game guy) rather than either a guide or being co-op.My interest in this game comes purely from that side however, I have no interest in the Co-op side as I have a dozen games many of which are dungeon crawlers that were built/desigined from the ground up to be a pure Co-op experience and I simply prefer them for that.
However, as much as I like 2nd edition, I think well I'm positive I would have prefered first edition with Road to Legend and Seas of Blood (well all the boxed expansions really but the campaign play is what I'm most wishful of). I know 1st edition was fiddly, long and could be very swingy in difficulty but I like that in a game and from what I've read the campaign style seems more interesting with proper dungeon delving rather than mission/objective based encounters. Monsters had purchased level increases and you could tailor your deck while heroes had to make tough choices on if to oppose the overlord or to try to increase in power.
I'm giving serious thoughts to trying to get hold of first edition plus the four expansions desipite having all the boxed expansions for 2nd edition along with a fair selection of Lieutent packs. It seems terribly wasteful as the overlap is massive but I've been unable to find a converted campagin for 2nd edition which does what I like from first (honestly if one exists this would save me a good deal of cash).
So why am I posting, not really sure, I guess I want to know if I'm mad? If others feel this way? If those who have both editions feel its worth the cost to pick up 1st edition along side 2nd. Or is it purely the case that the grass is always greener?
I should say I've been looking on the Geek Market and I've seen some people selling what I'm interested in for a sensible price (£300ish plus shipping - sadly must be EU to avoid customs fees which are silly which drastically reduces the options) so with that as a estimate I am not opposed to saving for a month to generate that sort of spare cash for the investment but what does the community think is it worth while or should I just stick with 2nd edition or even better is there a custom version of Road to legend/Seas of Blood created for 2nd edition.