by nighty2k7
Hi there,we just played the final encounter scene 1 "Blut und Verrat", which should be something like Blood and Treason in English and have one question.
An attack that deals 4 damage and defence dice rolls 2 means 2 life is lost and a potential condition of the attack deals is beeing applied.
Now an attack rolls 4, defence dice rolls 4, no life lost, no condition, right.
Then an attack rolls 4, defence dice 3, +1 defence from some ability. Reading the rule description right the condition should still be applied because it says it is applied if harm is done "after dice are rolled (but before spcial traits/abilities are used?).
So in regards to the blood glyph, but also for the above general understanding:
If the OL deals 4 damage, the hero rolls 2, and the 2 life lost is beeing absorped by the blood glyph, does the condition still apply?