by ctcharger
Rat Paint PlanI will be posting pictures of my progress..
Spray primer fail (too much)
Strip off primer
Add base coat with brush (I did buy an air brush so I may try that down the road. Brushing works for me since I am painting only a few at a time).
2 parts grey, 1 part matte black
Add 2nd coat as needed for any missed spots
Then add:
Dark red for eyes (real rats have black eyes but these are evil rats, although a glossy black might work… hmmm…)
Dab pink for feet, tails, nose, and ears that I can see (just a thin layer should work so the base coat still shows a little)
Minion Rats: add a green slime color to the teeth, maybe a gross yellow if I can find it. Paint base grey as needed.
Master Rat: use “glistening blood” for the teeth. Add some dark red to the base to denote master rat
Use a red tinted wash
Spray matte varnish on them (maybe, that spray stuff is just nasty)
Next is Avric!
Grab a bunch of blues!