by thinkbomb
Ran into a unique problem, figured I'd get your feedback. (sorry for the blurry picture, camera wouldn't focus)so, plan A was to base texture, prime, paint, etc. ... but I started these at 10pm, was tired, and primed first. whups.
thing is, I actually like this ghost-white effect that this habberdash xenithal rattlecan prime approach resulted in. So ... after I touch up the spots the spray can missed I'll be leaving the spiders with a gray/white base shaded/highlighted from there.
Where it becomes a problem, and where I'm asking for advice, is what to do with the base at this point. These spiders have a very low profile and the legs are really hard to paint under (especially for a rookie like myself) ... so I can't really handpaint on the cobblestone.
I'd exact-o knife off the spiders and do it by hand that way ... but I don't have a hobby-drill to pin in the mini yet. 8\
So yeah, what would you suggest I do for the base? Goop in some GW-texture mud and hope for the best?