by Ren6175
Hello everyone. I'm happy to announce the release of a Windows App I created for Sadgit and Painkeeper's Road to Peril Coop Variant. The purpose is to be able to play Road to Peril without printing all the activation, agenda, trap, and peril cards. Basically, you can select a quest, generate random or choose monsters for the quest, then it loads a page that displays agenda cards, randomizes monster activation, displays the activation cards, randomizes perils, trap cards, and conditions, and more.Features include:
- extensive random monster generator with selection boxes for owned content (which should save upon exit)
- player turn tracker for 2, 3, or 4 players (you can type in your hero names also)
- random monster group activation button with a random die roll and display of activation cards
- round counter with reminders for peril cards
- random minor and major peril card generator
- random condition generator
- random character chooser if needed for certain traps, peril, etc.
- all 4 Sands of the Past quests are implemented with agenda cards as well as notes for monster selection
- so far, Act I plus interlude of Heirs of Blood is complete
- some monsters require a reroll because they only have 4 activations. There is a reroll button for these monsters. Just reroll until you get a number 1-4.
Possible future features:
- difficulty selector to track peril deck
- morale counter
- actual Quest Peril text
Also, note, a "blank" quest can be loaded. This could be combined with RedJak's encounter objectives to playtest quests, randomize monsters or play with perils and traps.
There are a few words of warning.
1. I am not a professional code writer. Everything I was able to do was from watching videos or reading forum posts. Because of this I had to do things a certain way that aren't necessarily the best or most efficient way to do it. For example:
- The pictures have to be named specifically so that the program can find them. Therefore I renamed them and included them in the .zip file.
- The pictures inside their specific folders need to be copied into the MyPictures folder of Windows.
3. This is written in WinForms in C# with the .NET framework. It isn't currently exportable to Android or any similar framework. I did test it out by transferring it to my wife's computer. She didn't have the proper fonts installed, so I included them in the download.
4. I tried to debug it as much as possible. Please let me know if you have issues.
6. I plan to create a setup application to actually install the program, but I haven't figured it out yet. If anyone knows how to do this I'd be happy to try it.
Does not include any sort of campaign tracking. Does not save anything except owned content. Some trap cards are based content you might not have, so just hit the button again.
To install you'll need to download two links. The first link is a zip file of the renamed pictures, activations, and the fonts you'll need. The picture folders need to be moved into your MyPictures/Pictures folder.
The second link is the actual .exe file. You can put it anywhere to run it.
You'll also need the Road to Peril rules.
I hope some of you are willing to try it out. If you have questions or find bugs, let me know and I'll try to fix it. Have fun!