by Tantum32
Hello everyone,I have created a new single encounter mission for Valkyrie which takes place in the city of Vynelvale during an undead invasion.
• Huge map with a lot of Nerekhal tiles.
• Different paths you can take
• A lot of secrets and hidden passages
• Shop and collectibles
• Languages: English and german
I could not do any real playtesting yet therefore I would love to get some feedback for this.
Storywise it's connected to the events which lead to the creation of the grand cathedral of Vynelvale and is a kind of prelude for "Mists of Bilehal".
With the current state of Valkyrie it's not possible to do an undead only mission when using random spawns because the monster tags for undead are not set correctly. Therefore you will still see some other monster categories in this. Hopefully this will be fixed some time in the future.
• install the official Road to Legend app
• download and unpack the current Valkyrie release from here
• start Valkyrie from the folder you unpacked it to
• select "Import Road to Legend content", click on the Descent button when import done
• select "New game" and download the mission "City of the Dead" (it will be saved in your windows user directory (%appdata%\Valkyrie\)
• Start the mission using the green start button (see image 2).
• Start the quest