by Tantum32
Hello everyone,i have created a Road to Legend adaption of the "The Trollfens" campaign for the descent mission creation tool Valkyrie
Most missions are very similar to the original missions. Some only use the base setting and contain completely new stuff.
- Uses Road to legends ruleset and logic
- Contains all five missions of the original Trollfens campaign
- Campaign Phase similar to the Road To Legend campaigns (the campaign phase if based on the logic of the Shadow Rune campaign)
- Languages: english and german
1. install the official Road to Legend app on your device
2. download and unpack the current Valkyrie release from here
3. start Valkyrie from the folder you unpacked it to
4. select "Import Road to Legend content". This will import the data from the official app to valkyrie
5. click on the Descent button when import done
6. select "New game" and download the mission "The Trollfens" (it will be saved in your windows user directory (%appdata%\Valkyrie\)
7. Start the campaign using the green start button.
You can also check Also see a video overview of valkyrie this video for installation details.