by any2cards
I have usually used Printer Studio for much of my card print jobs, as they do a wonderful job, and the results are excellent.For Descent Second Edition small cards, however, Printer Studio's cards are slightly the wrong size.
I know that I saw a regular on BGG and FFG post (perhaps Sadgit?) of a place they use that has the exact same size cards for the small cards.
Can someone enlighten me, and provide me the name of such a place?
Also, a very good friend's 3 year old daughter decided that the best place to do her coloring and use of scissors was on my buddy's entire set of Descent First Edition hero cards. Ugggh. Anyway, I am re-creating all of the cards for him in inDesign.
Since they are the same size as the Descent Second Edition cards, I am wondering if someone knows a good place to get that format of a card printed, on appropriate stock. Once again, Printer Studio doesn't have this size of a card.
Thanks in advance for any information provided !