by Tantum32
Hello everyone,I have created two templates for creating "Road to legend"-like mission in the Descent mission creation tool Valkyrie.
With the help of those templates you can easily start creating your own content to create missions similar to the official "Road to Legend"-missions.
Mission Template:
The mission template contains everything you need for building a single Descent mission:
- Pre defined events which are part of every Valkyrie mission.
- Search tokens and search logic
Check the mission template wiki for more details.
Campaign Template:
The campaign template contains everything you need for building a complete Descent campaign:
- Campaign Start screen
- Campaign phase (including mission selection and shop)
- 5 pre-defined missions (based in the mission template)
- 1 finale
- Campaign End screen
Everything is read to go. You only need to set some variables and afterwards you can start building your own stuff with 2-6 missions.
A lot of the campaign logic is based on the Community Shadow Rune Project. A big thank you to the creators of the campaign. The Trollfens Campaign has been build using this template.
Check the campaign template wiki for details.
Campaign Start screen

Campaign Phase


Campaign End screen

Video Tutorial
Checkout this video for more details how to use the templates:
Youtube Video
Valkyrie Tutorials:
More information how to build descent missions in Valkyrie can be found in this video series and the valkyrie wiki. There's also a very active discord community for creating content for Valkyrie.