by PanosZ
Hello.I'm interested in buying Descent 2E.
My first question. If we start a campaign with 3 players (1 overlord and 2 heroes) can you add another player and remove them on later campaign? As I understand, nothing is stopping you, as long as you respect the monster limit for the overlord and I think for example if you were to add the 4th player in the 4th scenario you can give that player the amount of XP and gold heroes got up to that point and so on.
My other question is the replayability. Lets say we finished the campaign once. We have not seen all the scenarios in ActI and ActII. Is that enough to say that another player will be the overlord, and choose scenarios that we didn't do in our first playthrough? Or even if we play the same ones, the open monster and posible outcomes are enough to keep you revisiting the game again?