by smartcards
You can share your Descent game stories, Battlelore victories/defeats etc with the hashtag #FFGPlayAndShare and it may unlock surprises for FFG games:
One thing people could maybe do is solutions to still enjoying our favourite games in isolation due to that viral opponent currently putting a lot of social gaming on hold-
ways games could be played solo if they don't have that option (or expanding on it if they do such as with Descent)
ways you could solve playing if you're in different places (maybe someone manages the cards / other 'secret'/closed stuff- as this would be a big problem- you can't secretly draw from a deck or make certain tactical choices etc if you're in different places, but a game whatever-you'd-call-them could manage this for the players, they then couldn't play but maybe you take turns at this non-player role- thus it might be possible if people all own the sets being played to still play a humans vs humans game even if you can't all be in the same place with one set of game kit
- those sorts of ideas for these (sorry not sorry) game changing times