by Tantum32
Hello everyone,Just before the new descent game is about to be revealed I have created new content for Descent 2nd Edition:
A complete rework of the overlord campaign Lair of the Wyrm as a Road to Legend adaption for the descent mission creation tool Valkyrie.
Also don't forget to check out the Shadow Rune and Trollfens campaigns.
In contrast to the Trollfens campaign I have made more game design changes here because a lot of the special rules of this campaign don't work well without a human overlord player. This also means quite a lot of surprises for players who already played the original campaign.
Any bugs can be reported here.
- Uses Road to legends ruleset and logic
- Contains all five missions of the original Lair of the Wyrm campaign
- Campaign Phase similar to the Road To Legend campaigns with some additions (e.g. collect aurium ore to gain some special gear)
- Languages: english and german (italian and spanish will follow)
The Descent 2nd Edition basegame and the Lair of The Wyrm expansion boxes are required to play this campaign. Furthermore you need a computer, smartphone or tablet to use the Valkyrie app.
Installation (more details can also be found in this video):
1. Install the official Road to Legend app on your device.
2. Download and unpack the current Valkyrie release here.
3. Start Valkyrie from the folder you unpacked it to.
4. Select "Import Road to Legend content". This will import the data from the official app to valkyrie .
5. Click on the Descent button when import done.
6. Enable the "Lair of the Wyrm" campaign in the "Select Content" section of the app (Select Content > Boxed Expansions).
7. Select "New game" and download the mission "Lair of the Wyrm" (it will be saved in your user directory, in windows: %appdata%\Valkyrie\).
9. Start the campaign using the green start button.