by HeavyNerd
Hey.I've been playing Descent recently on the app Valkyrie and I have started to think about my teams effectiveness.
When we play with group of 4 there is always a clear plan to have one of each class in group (Healer, Scout, Warrior and Mage).
But what to choose if you have party of 2?
I run solo Chaos Rune campaign with Avric (disciple) and Jain (wildlander). First Blood quest was an easy win but after that I lost 2 times in Fat Goblin and The Cardibals plight. It felt like I had no chance at all.
It felt little bit frustrating. I feel like I dont do enough damage.
One Ettin is all it takes to halt my heroes for couple of rounds if I am unlucky.
Should I start over and pick other heroes or can I save my campaign by maybe buying war axe (with red die) since it does more damage?
If you have any other tips to share I am happy to hear about them too.
Thank you.