by Nellysae
My experience with board games is extremely limited, but the three big titles we have and absolutely love and have played them loads: Eldritch Horror, Mansions of Madness (2nd), and Akrham Horror: LCG.Now on a search to expand my horizon I started looking for a good co-op dungeon crawler. So, I have ordered both Marmossa and Jaws of the Lion. (Meaning, I am actually a bit broke now hahah)
However, I read that Descent 2nd will no longer be reprinted, due to Descent "not 3rd" edition will be released this summer. So now I am torn between 3 options:
1) Wait for Descent Legends and forget about 2nd edition.
2) Forget about Descent altogether and just be happy with the other FF games I have, and focus on other fantasy/dungeon crawlers such as Marmossa and Jaws of the Lion, which I have just ordered.
3) Quickly buy descent 2 + whichever expansions I can find. A quick google search revealed only the basegame + Trollfens + Manor of Ravens are available in the country I live, all others are out of stock. Though I prefer not spending that much money right now on even more games, I fear I`d otherwise miss the boat.
So my question:
Is having Descent 2 + trollfens + manor of ravens "good enough"/"Worth it"? Would it be OK with only the basegame, or only basegame + one of those expansions? Which of the 3 options would you recommend?