by any2cards
I have been working over the past several weeks to accomplish various requests that have been made by both FFG and BGG users when it comes to the D2e Card Viewer.I have now posted all of those updates. They include the following:
1) All hero cards (fronts and backs) now exist and some have new assets
You can see hero card backs by simply using the format of "hero name back". For example:
Ashrian - for the front of the card
Ashrian Back - for the back of the card
2) The card viewer will now display the latest version of the card to the left, with any earlier card (Conversion Kit) to the right
3) Prior to FFG shutting down the community forum, several community users were actively participating in generating the 12 missing heroes (those that were never added in expansions). They have been actively play testing various modifications to hero abilities, heroic feats, and stats to come up with balanced, playable new versions for those 12.
The users actively involved in this included FFG and BGG users ComtriS, rugal, Zaltyre, Sadgit, Waterolour Dragon, Awesome_Tree_in_the_Dark, kbalazsa, Dadler93, and too many others that my 79 year old memory cannot remember. The D2e Card Viewer will now show the current iteration of the cards if you append the letters "UC" after the hero's name (UC = User Community). You will also recognize that you are seeing those cards if there is a UC where the expansion icon would normally be found. For those who are unsure which heroes make up the 12, below is a list. It you are using the D2e Card Viewer while reading this post, you will be able to see the cards.
Please note that these cards are not final, and are still undergoing play testing. While I am sure ComtriS would be open to hearing from you, please make any feedback you provide CONSTRUCTIVE. In addition, I am sure he would love additional players willing to playtest and provide feedback. So grab some of these heroes, and playtest the *&^% out of them.
As I stated, this is a COMMUNITY effort to come up with the 12 heroes that FFG never developed. Here is the list:
Aurim UC
Brother Glyr UC
Landrec The Wise UC
Mad Carthos UC
Bogran The Shadow UC
Kirga UC
Red Scorpion UC
Tobin Farslayer UC
Eliam UC
Hugo The Glorious UC
Laughin Buldar UC
Varikas The Dead UC