by JasonBarr
Played the Descent companion app yesterday and love it. But I have some questions regarding use of Tarha her undead servant card (not sure if it is the correct translation, the undead figure that can be summoned). I understand it works like this1. After summoned the undead servant stays in the adventure until killed or removed by Tarha
2. He gets his turn each time Tarha has a turn (before of after)
3. If killed or removed by Tarha he can be resummoned with full health
4. Resummoning can be done endless times
5. He is handled as a figure but not as a hero
6. Monsters advised to i.e. "attack nearest hero" etc., do not go for the undead servant, he is not a hero
Now this seems a bit unfair. I can summon a very strong figure as often as I like and he won’t even be attacked by the enemies. Something must be wrong with my rules, right?