Hi there,
I´m looking for scans of the lieutnant cards (not the whole deck, stat cards front & back only);
I´m mainly playing DelvenDeep/RAOV from RedJack (I can highly recommend, I´m currently working on some additional content I´ll share after finishing - overworld delve and a new take to rescuable / interactable NPC´s) so I don´t need the decks;
sadly most lieutnant entries lack the cards (everyone but Ardus IxErebus and Xyndrikul).
I´m looking for scans of the lieutnant cards (not the whole deck, stat cards front & back only);
I´m mainly playing DelvenDeep/RAOV from RedJack (I can highly recommend, I´m currently working on some additional content I´ll share after finishing - overworld delve and a new take to rescuable / interactable NPC´s) so I don´t need the decks;
sadly most lieutnant entries lack the cards (everyone but Ardus IxErebus and Xyndrikul).