by Postius
So say you have enough money,And an opportunity to seize the dungeon crawler you want
What do you go for?
Im currently looking to get a dungeon crawler/rpg/campaign game and im doubting between:
Warhammer Quest Blackstone Fortres:
-Absolutely gorgeous minis
-minimal/no app
-expansions out of print/hard to get
-lots of pre work (assembling, painting)
-a bit fiddly with enemies since you have to roll for all of them but this can be fixed with simple house rule.
-Its LOTR, awesome
-Ive heard its a decent game
-Heavy app use
-Limited scenario options
-Bland enemies/combat
SW:Imperial Assault
-Star Wars, woohooo
-tons of cools mini's
-play co-op (with app)
-Tons of minis (painting)
-Pretty unbalanced
-Doesnt work well as 1 vs all
-Co-op requires special app
Descent: Journeys in the Dark
-Been around a long time, tried and proven formula
-Im a bit of a sucker for medieval fantasy tropes
-Co-op only via app again
-has heavy app use if you dont want bookkeeping
-Can be hard to find
-Maybe a bit simplistic? Though this can be a pro
-probably not as refined as the other titles
Ive not mentioned gloomhaven, I just dont think its our thing. The original one is just to much and jaws of the lion just doesnt look intresting. Gloomhaven looks like dungeon crawler for people who enjoy soulles themeless cubepusher games. So thats a pretty far cry from what we are looking for.
YOu guys got some light to shed on this subject? Just random experiences, maybe what your best experience was? How do these games hold up against one another?
Our playing group is 3 people (with covid), though me and my GF have no problem playing 1v1 (with multiple chars) or coop.