by Rekkless
I got into a discussion on the Descent Facebook group about the Bard's Skill: Song of Mending.I'm also playing as Krutzbeck who of course needs to have 6 damage on his hero sheet (or someone adjacent) in order to enable his Hero Ability.
I'm having trouble as Ispher is just walking around healing him every turn with, you guessed it "Song of Mending."
A member of the Facebook group is suggesting that you don't "Have" to heal Krutzbeck, and you could indeed choose to Opt out healing below 6 damage to ensure his hero ability is always active.
I couldn't find anything in the CRRG or in a google search that would suggest this is Ok. But it was suggested that is was in a FFG Dev Talk or FAQ that the skill was updated to make it an optional heal.
The Card however reads:
" At the end of your turn, each hero within 3 spaces of you recovers 1 Heart"
If it were optional wouldn't that card read "MAY Recover" ?? The way it is worded reads like it is a mandatory heal.