by erwerwrwer
I used to own a large Decent collection when it was in it's prime. We really enjoyed the 1 vs many game play. I am not really looking to get too deep into the coop side of things really, but we might give it a go if it's well done. What I am wondering though is, does Decent still deserve a place over other Dungeon crawlers that are more modern? The game play, mechanics and story still hold up? I have the chance to buy all of the boxed content unopened for $700. Base game plus the 7 boxed expansions. Trying to decide if that ol magic is still there, or if I should leave it in the past and try not to let nostalgia get the better of me. I would love some opinions from anyone who still tosses those Decent dice, or who put them away on the shelf to smile at and remember the good old days.↧