by Dadler
Hello there!There are some heroes and class cards with overlord card interaction, that have no effect in Road to legend.
I've been inspired by this post, shout out to @Painkeeper!
I have made these for myself and my playgroup and figured I'd share them with you as well. See the printable PDF at the bottom of the post.
Class cards
Marshal - Just reward
Complete rework, Sort of like a reflective ward that affects another monster than the one performing the attack.
A range of 2 spaces set to match other Marshal cards.
Marshal - Zealous fire
Similar to the original but instead of using it when an overlord card is played, you use it when a hero gains a condition, which is quite common in Road to legend.
Marshal - By the book
Similar to the original but instead of using it when an overlord card is played, you use it when a hero gains a condition. Removed the original card's “suffer 1 fatigue if you fail" part.
Prophet - Grim Fate
This card is used to avoid negative effects that appear in the game a copy of Painkeepers version.
Wildlander - Danger Sense
Original version forces the overlord to discard an overlord card.
This is a complete rework.
Bounty Hunter - Payday
Just a rules clarification.
Seer Kel
New heroic feat that works in RtL. If the heroes are lucky and well-positioned, a lot of attacks can be performed for the cost of 1 action from Seer Kel.
Elder Mok
I changed his hero ability to once per round instead of turn so he's a little more balanced.
Heroic feat works sort of like Knight's Stalwart on a figure that is defeated.
Print at Home - A4
Any feedback is appreciated.
If you need a real challenge in Road to legend, check out my other RtL Community content - Monster Mods.
Take care.