by podpeople
Hello,My team and I just finished the campaign and had a really bad experience with the finale.
I played as the Overlord against 3 players, the game had been quiet balances so far as I had won 2 of the quests for act 1 and 1 for act 2.
So last night we played Gryvorn Unleashed. The first encounter was a cakewalk for the heroes as I could just hoard a bit of cards while they slaughtered all the lieutenants in 3 turns while I didn't do much damage to them.
I thought that they had won the campaign right there.
We played the second encounter and they kind of wasted their first turn healing and such dealing very little damage. Then came my turn I activated Gryvorn used dash and frenzy two attacks later all of them are dead except the tank and he had two life left and I still had my lieutenant's turn.
Lets just say that there was a really loud general outcry about the "epicness" of the finale as we really didn't expect it to end in 1 turn.
Has something like this happened to any other group?