by Aberdonian
Descent is something I pondered years ago but other games and lack of regular group put me off. Now I am looking at the second edition with decent pool of potential players and a budget that would allow.I'm buying second edition, no doubt about it but I'm eyeing up the conversion kit and wondering if I should just commit and take the dive.
Is it worth it?
What's pushing me to yes:
New adventurers - I can squirrel these away and offer them for the second campaing run through to players as an alternate.
More monster stats - I'm expecting there will be plenty of home brewed support which will include the old beasties. Also it lets me home brew with more options myself.
The completionist - I'm not sure this pack will see a reprint. Maybe in time the old monsters and adventurers will find their way in to expansions but maybe not. If I want to say I have everything second ed then I need this, don't I?

The downside:
Not taking a huge dive - I don't have the old sets and there is limited availibility. Given the release of conversion kit I don't expect these will drop for clearance prices. So I won't be able to run the old campaigns. I'm also not throwing another few hundred quid immediately on purchase.
Miniatures - I won't have the plastic but I do have a fair chunk of Warmachine and Hordes figures. Not a perfect match but probably doable and I don't mind getting the odd figure for heores. Monsters though that could be another matter. Not sure if it's doable without spending loads of money.
Board pieces - I'm not a handy person but if people do homebrew and I want to run I have concerens it will include orignal board pieces I can't copy with second ed.
What do you all think? Do you reckon the compendium is worth it for a cahce of additonal charachter options and access to new monsters for some home brewing or will it require too much to make it all work?