by Crimso
I have owned and played multiple times the following games, Warhammer Quest, HerQuest, D&D Adventure Boardgame, Runebound, Akrham Horror and Mansions of Madness. I also have a long history of D&D, AD&D and Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, 3rd Edition. You have probablty noticed, that's a lot of FFG in that mix and a lot of GW products from the days long past. Out of all of those, I would say my Favorite us Mansion of Madness. Warhammer Quest is a VERY close second, but it's a costly game of maintain, over-priced and well...discontinued forever.I know you all here have heard this all before. Guy like me roll up in this Dsecent forum and ask, "is this the game for me?" Well, sad to say guys, this is likely along that same path. I apologize in advance. I keep looking at Descent...and it keep looking at me from across the game store. I can see it pulsating, and an erie mist materializing around it..."buuuuy me...I'm loaded with card board and miniatures..."
I have to look away and say no! You're just like Heroquest, full of awesome 3D'ness, but empty inside once I became 14+. And you're over $80...I must choose wisely...
Ok, ok, that's enough, you all get it. I'm like every other aging and increasingly busy gamer. We all want the elusive RPG-Light. Like the D&D Basic Game back in the early 90's. We all know it doesn't exist. We can only hope a game comes close. Every time someone asks if this game is RPG-Light, "the Tactical Miniatues lobby" marches to say, " NO! And I hope it never even resembles an RPG! Miniature Battles Forever!!" "Stay away from this game if you like RPG's!!" THAT, is certainly an embellishment, and I'm sure I'll catch some flack for that, but that is merely my perception when I see someone post that question here or on FFG's website. Hey, I like tactical minis games too! I play Warhammer Battles, Flames of War and X-Wing.
I guess this is more of a question of..CAN Descent play KIND of like a light RPG?
Let me say this, I thought that while Dsecent was in Development, it would be more akin to Mansions of Madness. MoM is a fun kind of Psuedo-RPG, but with one off adventures. The "Keeper's" goal IS to kill of the Players and/or to Achieve is own goal. But, what makes MoM cool is just that, even if the Players lose or die, it's still makes for a really cool story and narrative. Each card is full of story flavor and now with expansions, there's even epiloques.
IS Descent even remotely akin to MoM?? Does it tell a good story? I have heard that the story blows. but hey, every generic fantasy setting is formulaic...I mean by this is, does it make an effort or just phone it in on the story because, "this is a tactical miniatures game only!" just kidding. Sorry, I don't mean to be condescending, I truly don't. I know a lot of tactical miniatures game people make GREAT RPG'ers, myself included, so I guess I'm ribbing myself as well.
I don't know jack about this game. Am I looking for an RPG-light? Yes. Do I expect to find it with Descent? Probably not. But, does is this a game that can finally replace Warhammer Quest and send it into collector's land obscurity??
Sorry for all the questions. I'm looking for a game that is fast to play, allows for players and "OL's" to have customizable options and even character development and finally, tells a narrative with some continuity.
thank you everyone!