by Pathor
I just picked up the game and looking forward to play the third act I scenario. I would be interested to see how players like their heroes and how the evolve during the game (skills and equipment).Post your Heroes down below:
I ll post mine first:
Finished Intro and 2 Act I quests:
Drain Spirit
2 xp left ( I will probably spend them on Tempest)
No Items yet (our Necro - my wife - got all the goodies

I certainly feel the same about this class as other people posting on this forum. She does not seem as useful as the disciple, but I take it as a challenge I like the druid theme and I like to be able to respond to an Overlord action during his turn so I have to think about if I want to use Stoneskin and when to use it.
I ll update the progression of my character, can't wait to read about your heroes.