by TrueLolzor
So, I'm an overlord and I have played with 3 different playing groups now and I've noticed that I always lost the intro and always won the next quest players have chosen - and it was different quest every time. First time it was Castle Daeron(or something), where I just instamobbed the poor 25 hp sir and crushed his neck in 3 rounds, players had like no chance at all. The second group chosen the Fat Goblin, where with some luck I uncovered Sir Frederick, but all their efforts to stop goblin from leaving castle was in vain. Third one was Cardinal's plight, I managed to bring all 4 zombies with me to the next level and they killed Cardinal even before the players uncovered the Rune Key.And I didn't used any non-basic overlord cards in either of those quests.
It's just felt like they had no chances.
Is it because they're low on equipments and skills?