by garrapeta
Hi there,I'm painting the Descent 2nd edition minis, and I've realised there are not too many resources in the net to use as models, so I'll use this thread to show my progress in this job.
I'm spending quite a few time with the brushes, but not too much making the photos... so the pictures are a quite crappy. Sorry about this.
When I'll finish them (basing and varnishing) I'll make proper pictures and update them.
I'm using Vallejo and Foundry paints, some GW inks as well.
I paint mainly with three layers per colour, and I try to avoid drybrushing and go for freehand hightlighting. When painting fur, hair, etc, I never achieve to match the paint with the sculpt but I don't care: I prefer to show the brush strokes with high contrast across the three layers.
I apologize again for the awful illumination.
The good guys
I've tried to use a main different colour for each mini, although I have not modified the original colour scheme. This is very noticiable in the capes.
The pic shows the progression of colours as in some kind of rainbow...
What I like about this paintjob is that it is extremely colourfull. I hope I won´t screw up this when varnishing the minis, as I always do...
I tried to use a wide range of greens in this one.
One of the minis I like the most in the game, although it has anything special... It's a shame the plastic is so bad and the sword is never stiff.
Leoric of the book
Not a bad mini, but I would have preferred a classic Ganddalf-like wizard in the party. I like the main colour of this mini.
Avric Albright.
The cape has some intricate details that are not much appreciated in the pic...
Widow Tarha
I particulary dislike this mini. Too many details without the required definition to clearly appreciate them. It seems too fiddly to me, and I don't like such a slim orc, even if it's a female.
Jain Fairwood
Good sculpt, although the plastic makes the cord of the bow is never stiff.
Grisban the Thirsty
The hero I like the most. Great sculpt and very expressive face. This is the second dwarf I've ever painted and I like the outcome.
Tomble Burrowell
I don't particulary enjoy painting hobbits or halflings... but this sculps is not bad. The first Descent mini I painted.