by Artaterxes
I identify three main differences: the overworld, campaign sequence, and the motive.In Road to Legend, the overworld was interactive. Heroes moved their tokens between dungeons and cities, meanwhile fighting random battles outside. Lieutenants moved to siege cities and fight the heroes. In Second Edition, the overworld map identifies what effects occur between quests, but is not an interactive part of the game. I prefer the overworld in Road to Legend.
The campaign has no sequence in Road to Legend. The game is a free-for-all: heroes wander the overworld and find dungeons and cities. The campaign has a linear sequence in Second Edition: one scenario after another. I prefer the nonlinear, "exploration" style of Road to Legend.
The motive in Road to Legend was basically wander around and find dungeons to grind, grind, grind, and grind some more. You have no motive to visit the dungeon except to find XP and loot. The overlord "advances" the plot every time he has enough XP to draw a plot card, but that just adds special effects to the game without actually providing a motive. Eventually you'll have enough experience points (600) that you're allowed to fight the overlord. In Road to Legend I feel like I'm forced to keep playing until the game lets me fight the final battle. In Second Edition, each quest has a richer story and a unique motive; it's not just to kill the boss for XP. I prefer the motives in Second Edition.
I think ideally the Second Edition would have this layout:
1. The map on the back of the quest guide would be interactive - you could physically visit each location. For instance, when doing Castle Daerion, you'd have to physically move there.
2. In addition, the map would have cities for resting and training etc., extra dungeons, secret areas, and random battles like RtL. So instead of heading straight from A Fat Goblin to Castle Daerion, you could explore random dungeons for XP or loot or visit a town.
Based on the two games we have, though, I can't decide. I like Road to Legend for feeling more open and epic, but I like Second Edition because I'm not just grinding.
What do you guys think?