by yarritstimmy
I recently did Gryvorn Unleashed in two separate campaigns. The first was agains 2 heroes and in the first encounter only splig survived round one. After that they easily killed splig so i had no tokens. The second encounter came and the heroes won on the second round. I had barely scratched them. (Nanok+Avric).Then with another campaign we did the same finale. All lieutenants survived round one, but two died the second round and then splig the third. No tokens saved. I had shadow rune from winning the interlude. So i had one token and 8 bonus health. I lost the first round before even getting a turn. I attacked once ising a token out of turn. The team was nanok zerker, leoric the necro, jain fairwood the thief, and the healer riding the wolf as a disciple. Jain did her heroic feat and moved me forward twice with her trueshot (bushwhack missed or i would have been closer) Then after all the other heroes and reanimate i died with taking a turn. It was seriously insane.