by plolock
I know this is a common topic, but I want to get some input from people that have more experience than me.I've played the entire campaign from the base game once with 4 heroes and 1 overlord. The balance in the campaign comes pretty much from how the heroes evolve and gain new stats and items as time goes on. However, this is non-existent in the regular/stand-alone quests gaming sessions.
I played a game vs a friend (in other words, 2 heroes vs 1 overlord) and we went with the epic variant, meaning that it was all act 2 monsters and items, and the heroes got 250 gold each before the the game began (plus skills). We did the Dawnblade quest, and I completely ran over him over at the start of the second encounter.
I know that some of the balance might be in the number of heroes, wether we did the act 2 or 1 version of the monsters and items, the quest itself and so on, but I'd really like some tips on how to make the game more viable to play with all numbers of heroes on all quests and all difficulties, and how the game should be altered in order for that to happen.
Thanks in advance for answers