by mjortman
I know that there are a number of posts about the Descent Scenario Builder, and I think that most everyone is very happy about this. I've seen a lot of people posting new scenarios and quests up there, which is AWESOME!This post is more to ask what people (who have not posted their own content so far) would like to see in the Descent quests. I'm thinking about attempting to create my own quest, or set of quests, and potentially campaign, just for fun. And I know that a lot of noise has been made about the nature of the quests included in the game. Most of the complaints I've heard (without trying to overgeneralize too much) centered around the fact that heroes sometimes ignore monsters in order to meet objective-based goals. I, for one, enjoy this balance of knowing when to fight and when to move past monsters. But I know that others feel very differently about this.
So I guess the crux of my question is, if you could redesign the quests in Descent with a different goal in mind, what would it be? I'm not interested in changing the mechanics (LOS, etc), but just wondering what people think would make the quests/campaign better. More fighting? Less reinforcements? Change reinforcement mechanics? (For example, one thing I really liked having just finished the Interlude quest The Overlord Revealed - I loved how reinforcements came from the edges of the map, and prefer this to monsters spawning right where they just died, essentially). More connection from quest to quest, rather than just from Encounter 1 to Encounter 2 of the same quest? I like the interplay between encounters, and think you could expand upon that to keep chaining the outcome from quest to quest to quest. But you'd have to have balance, where one side winning two quests in a row didn't make it impossible for the other side to come back.
Anyway, just curious about other people's thoughts on this, before I begin too much work on the idea. It's easy enough to just make more quests of the same style, but I thought that with some of the negativity I'd read about the quest structure, it would be nice to try to come up with some different ideas, using the same pieces and ruleset. Thanks in advance!