by Sorenthion
Hello all!I wanted to stop in and say thank you to everyone for playing Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition and making it such a great success. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Adam Sadler and for over two and a half years I have worked at Fantasy Flight Games. Most of that time was spent working as lead designer on Descent Second Edition.
I have always enjoyed reading the threads on BGG with players posting reviews (good and bad), session reports, custom content ideas, and helping new players with questions they might have. I'm thrilled that so many people have had a chance to experience the game.
Today is actually my last day in the office here at FFG. I am unfortunately leaving the company (on great terms), but I am not done designing games. I plan to continue designing board games with my brother, Brady Sadler. Keep an eye out for us in the near future!
I'm happy to be leaving Descent in such good hands and I hope it will continue to deliver exciting game experiences for years to come!
Thanks again,