by plolock
During our entire first campaign, we had some major rule problems. One being we always replenished fatigue straight away after using a rest action. We found out about that during the finale, hehe. Another thing we did was that the heroes always selected what quest to play in act 1, independent on previous victor. I recently learned that the winner is supposed to choose. This makes the overlord able to choose Castle Daerion or Death on the wing for a quest, which sort of favor his or hers chance of winning. Personally, as the overlord in the campaign we are starting next week, I see no problem in letting the heroes choose quest where they can. Mostly because they are not that familiar with the game, so they don't know which quest favors whom and not. Also because it creates a more enjoyable experience for the heroes in the long run, and travelling towards your goal on the world map is fun and exciting in our group. Would this mess up the balance? Honestly, with 40 hours under my belt, I think not, however I am a rule hogger or what not, and like to keep things the way they are meant to be played. Also, using the conversion kit creates a lot more choice for both sides, and it feels like some monsters are really way too strong for a quest 1 or 2 group. I prefer playing without it actually, especially since it doesn't make the heroes regret too much not selecting a different hero for a very long campaign. (disclaimer : I'm on my phone and I am Swedish)↧