by Brutalien
I'd say Rage (Berserker).Requires an action and 1 fatigue and what renders it useless is mostly the other Berserker skills.
Berserker is a kill machine, good to clear the monsters adjacent to him. But still, to be adjacent he needs to move. To move requires an action or spending fatigue. And most Berserker skills use up a lot of fatigue.
If the Berserker gets a better attack-related skill, when will he be able to use Rage again and why?
*Charge is a wonderful move and attack and it's the only skill that generates movement for Rage's future use.
*Whirlwind is better as it targets all adjacent monsters.
*Death Rage is a whole better if wounded, but still needs 4 wounds to be better. Meh, but could be the skill that kills that stubborn lieutenant.
*Execute pretty much destroys Rage.
I'm considering houseruling it to one of the following:
1. Add the text: "Recover 1 fatigue if this attack defeats a monster."
It would certainly still have a use later on for the Berserker, plus considering how fatigue-consuming are his skills, he should get some compensation.
2. Make it a non-action skill, still requiring 1 fatigue and fully change text to: "Exhaust this card at the start of your turn. If you have suffered damage more than half of your health, all your attacks gain +1 (wound)"
This makes the Berserker more fearsome to wound and doesn't use up his needed actions.
Although that would stack with Death Rage, it puts it to par with Execute. After all, the skill names link to each other

3. Make it a non-action skill, requiring no fatigue and fully change text to: "Every time you receive 1 or more (wounds), recover 1 fatigue."
This could make up for the fatigue-spending skills and you could place your berserker next to the hard hitting melee monsters taunting them to attack you. Also supports Death Rage. On the other hand, it would probably have to make Counter Attack a 2-fatigue skill. Dunno.
Pretty useless though if the Overlord doesn't target you.
But still, if standing, you can attack him!
What do you think?