by achasteen
I want this game really really bad. My game group already owns Talisman and D$D Drizzt. Playing a campaign doesn't sound appealing to them. Mean while my 5 year old son would love to play a game with fighting. Maybe I could talk him into playing 2-player?I already own Memoir '44 and Ghost Stories with dice rolling, so I probably don't need another dice game, right? I just keep reading the Descent rule book like I'm planning a vacation - Ahh, the character abilities, the leveling up items, the great minis, colorful cards and campaign maps. Surely buying this purely for myself would still be honorable and good?
Too much randomness, Convoluted rules, No depth, mindless hack and slash. You need to save your money Aaron, NOOOOOO!!!! All lies. Help me overcome the battle within.