by jgbaxter
Hey there,I was hoping on advice and suggestions on what to sell the OOP old 1e Descent monsters for, any thoughts?
Currently its suggested to list the following at the prices listed, I'm not sure if those are good prices?
Note: This isn't an offer to sell, I'm curious on pricing. If I do sell anything later through BGG it will only be done through the marketplace so BGG gets its fair share 3% commission.
Some of these seem rather pricey, I know that selling it in pieces returns more money but at the cost of more effort and time.
If I did a basic paint on them would the effort ever be worth the time involved... even a quick and dirty paint that looks nice is still going to take 15 minutes, so charging +5$ is basically a break even.
Core Set
Bane Spider- 1 red, 2 tan; $7
Beastman- 1 red, 3 tan; $12
Crypt Dragon- 1 red, 1 tan; $35
Demon Lord- 1 red, 1 tan; $30
Giant- 1 red, 1 tan; $20
Hellhound- 1 red, 3 tan; $14
Manticore- 1 red, 1 tan; $12
Naga- 1 red, 2 tan; $20
Ogre- 1 red, 1 tan; $35
Razorwing- 1 red. 3 tan; $16
Skeleton- 1 red, 4 tan, $15
Sorcerer- 1 red, 3 tan, $14
Tomb of Ice
Ice Wyrm- 1 red, 1 tan; $80
Lava Beetle- 1 red, 3 tan; $50
Medusae- 1 red, 2 tan; $55
Shade- 1 red, 4 tan; $50
Wendingo- 1 red, 2 tan; $60