by runescience
Hi.If you will forgive the pun: I like exploring dungeon games. Its fun. I like learning rules, etc. Around eight or so years ago I played Descent 1 and BOOM: I was a descent 1 fan.
Then I got descent 2, and got disgruntled with the puzzle chases. So I went back to Descent 1 with Road to legend, and got hit with a major loss and frustratingly long games.
So as you might expect, I went back to descent 2 because its a shorter game and in retrospect some of the combat scenarios are well, not as bad as I thought.
So. That's it. We are happy: I like descent 2 again.
In the mean time since I like exploring dungeon games.
A month ago I discovered Dungeon Crawl. I read it over. Reviewed it (read here), and finally got to play it twice this weekend. Now that I played it and I understand it, I decided to convert the descent 2 intro (the one with the ettin and the runaway orcs). I put it up under the dungeon crawl file entry.
If you are a descent 1 fan and have been fighting the urge to get descent 2, id say, get descent 2, but also look into this one.
If you do happen to read the scenario conversion on the Dungeon crawl page, please do feed back if you have the time.
happy turkey
