Thread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Question...
by BIgLatinDude From what I can gather, there are several ways to play this game.I. Campaign with overlord.II. Through Road to Legend app - No overlord just created dungeons using whatever add-ons...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: The Chains...
by CommanderMcG I just got this expansion for my birthday. I’m playing through The Shadow Rune. Can I just add this new stuff to my current game?Thank you.
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Which Act...
by CommanderMcG I’m playing with my children, ages 9-14. They are awesome at the game and I think want a little more challenge. We’ve played the intro mission and The Fat Goblin. I want them hooked on...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Wrong...
by Mesclor So bought Descent: Journeys in the Dark 2nd Edition. We went to play but none of the quests we saw online or in theforums match up with the quest books we have. Looking at the book, They...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Value...
by VintageBullet Quick question for all you Descent players. I can't get Descent to the table so I feel it is time to part with it If I were to sell it as a bundle what does the community feel is a...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Buying for...
by Snakethesniper Do you suggest the game to play primarily solo? I've read that the app is good and can even create new random quests.
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: To...
by heimer73 I am very interested in hearing about your experiences playing a champion in a campaign. So lay it on me. Thank you
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Descent...
by crusaderlord I have bought and played most dungeon crawler games around, and i love them, but i do not keep them all. Descent 2nd Edition is under pressure from some amazing new releases such as...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Heroes...
by Deathpact Hello everyone.I have played the first two missions with a group of friends. They played 3 heroes : The dwarf, the ranger and the wizard.Tonight we played the second mission in the base...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Campaign...
by Miszon Can anyone tell, how long are Descent campaigns? I mean, how many hours takes to finsh: Shadow Rune, Heirs of Blood, Nerekhal and Labyrinth of Ruins? Is it written somewhere in their manuals?
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Class Poll...
by heimer73 The class polls I could find are getting really old, so I figured its time for a new fresh one So please cast your votes on the classes. The poll goes from 1 to 10 ..... 1 being its a very...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Looking...
by Archelaous Hello all!We have a game group located within minutes of Iowa City and Cedar Rapids and we're looking to start a Descent campaign! This will be the classic heroes vs overlord format. Our...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Lore about...
by heimer73 Terrinoth it's called right? Any place to read about it?
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Question...
by Thescorpionx Hi!!I am almost done painting all the minis of the game and I am thinking about pimping the board : doors, fontains, tombs, pillars, etc.. scenerary related to the quests!i dont want...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Old line...
by Siar I find current LoS rules rather weird and problematic sometimes, so I was thinking of using old Descent 1-style LoS which seems simplier and more elegant - i.e. from center to center. But...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Forgotten...
by Siar I was curious: do there exist any variants which allow to use co-op rules in standart, Overlord mode? Namely loot track, which would imho add a lot of dungeon crawlerish armosphere to Descent....
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Where can...
by Pfenn1tw Whats the best place to get ALL of the cards done for the RAOV v4 deck? How much would this cost?
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Descent...
by JigrenHi all!I created an app for my gaming group because I wanted fast and easy way to keep track of my health and stamina pools. Also added ability to throw dice, altough I think it should be done...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Descent...
by Bumblesdad I’m tempted to pick up Table Top Simulator on Steam in order to try out a few games before I splash the cash on a hard copy Does anyone know if Descent is playable Solo on TTS using the...
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