by shooshoo
First of all let me say that im not writing this for the purpose of bashing the company. Im just expressing an honest opinion.Now then... I really like descent and think it is very well done overall. A few years ago my game collection consisted mostly of games from FFG...lkke 1 out of 3. Over the past year or so this changed dramatically. I feel descent is starting to become a money sink and this bothers me. Its getting a little rediculus with the amount of lt figures that come Out every expansion. I dont believe that including the miniatures in the expansion would increase the cost of the game by much. For the price of all the LT figures you could buy a couple of really good games. I dont really care for the plot decks and i personally feel it was tacked on so FFG could justify making the packs. Looking back i think i Should have just found proxies for the figures.
I picked up a copy of the xwing miniatures second hand because i thought it would be fun. I honestly have no intention to buy more ships because the game is such a money sink and i will likely just trade it away for something else.
I hope that FFG stops or at least minimizes this type of thing in the future. Maybe then i will go back to buying their products again but for now i think ill spend my money elsewhere.