by SirWillibald
Hi there,over in my other thread(*) about my hero player arose the question if I would do an overlord mat, too.
Well, I didn't intend to do so, there were voices telling that the overlord wouldn't need such a thing and most importantly after a quick try it seemed virtualy impossible to fit that much big cards (plot deck, OL deck, monster groups, lieutenants, agents) on one sheet so...
As we say in germany, you grow with your tasks, I did it!
Here's a picture:
And here's some needed explanation:
1. Active overlord cards in play are placed one over another, but staggered, therefore the area has no end (in case you happen to have more of them)
2. The two blocks on both sides of the active cards act as multi purpose spots: If you have only a few plot cards you can use the outer spots for monster groups and/or as token deposits. If your number of plot cards starts growing you simply shift the monster cards to the outside (yes, they exceed the mat, that couldn't be avoided). This way you have space for up to 8 plot cards and 4 monster groups.
3. The upper part of the mat has space for up to 3 lieutenants and 1 agent.
4. The tracking functionality of my monster health tracker(**) has been integrated in a more compact way, that's what the five rows next to each monster card spot are for. I omitted any numbers, should be clear this way.
5. I chose the same background (with a different color scheme) as the hero mats, to give it a unified look.
And yes, if you happen to have 8 plot cards, 4 monster groups, 3 lieutenants and 1 agent you don't have a spot to put your tokens but rats! in this case you must be one real hell of a overlord so come up with a solution on your own!

I don't know if this is useful or overkill, but at least I can get myself a mat when playing the evil overlord against my boys!
