by dmuerto
Hey again,Already ordered the base game and the conversion kit and as soon as the game arrives I thought that I'll paint the "base rings" of all the heroes so that it will be easier for new players to see which figures are which class. In addition the figures with the colored base will be more nifty to use with the conversion kit hero cards. So first question, what is Your opinion about "class colours":
-warrior / red
-healer / blue / purple ?
-mage / yellow / gold ?
-scout / green
Got some citadel paints and lots and lots of different shades of red etc. If anyone has painted the base of the heroes with citadel paints, I would be interested to hear what paints did you use?
Another question about base game heroes since don't have it yet in my hands: so there are 8 heroes, two of each class. Are there male/female versions of every class in the base set? Asking this because of conversion kit hero card usage.
Thanks in advance.