by mjortman
Obviously this depends on a number of factors, not the least of which are the "skill" of the players, understanding the rules, and obviously just the fact that every scenario will have its own length. But considering all of that, and assuming people understand the rules and don't have to keep looking for rulings, how long would a "typical" scenario take? Are we talking ~45-60 minutes? 120? Somewhere in between?My only Descent experience has been with the 1st edition, and the Sea of Blood expansion to be exact, and it just seemed to take FOREVER for us to even get inside the dungeon! IIRC it was like 3 hours (though that entailed learning the rules as well), and it just seemed to take a very long time. I keep hearing that 2nd edition streamlines a lot of things, so I'm wondering how long a "typical" session of 1 scenario might take.
Thanks in advance!